
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi Everyone:)

I’ve been meaning to make another blog post, I’ve just been unsure what else to share with you all, but my older brother had the idea to share what God has been teaching me in this season.

There have been two big things that God has been teaching me, obedience and gratitude.

Obedience. What I’ve been learning through this season is that obedience isn’t always the fun or easy option to choose. It’s like when my mom asks me to do the dishes and it’s the last thing I want to do but I know I have to because it’s what she is asking of me, and I love her. Or when I was younger and didn’t want to take a nap, but she knew it would be for my benefit. The same thing goes for God, He has asked me to do a lot of things that I didn’t want to do or that I didn’t have in my plan for the next 5 years, but I had to choose to be obedient because that’s what He was asking of me, and I love Him, and He knows what’s for my benefit way better than I do. Making the choice to go on the Race wasn’t something that I had planned in my next 5 years, in fact I fought God on that for months but here we are. I was planning on fitting the Race or a mission trip in when it was convenient for my schedule, but God is teaching me to surrender control to Him, because it hasn’t been working when I try on my own. He’s asking me to trust that He has better things for me and more than I could ever dream up or imagine on my own. He is asking me to believe that Romans 8:28 (“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”) applies to me too and not just everyone else. Being obedient to God has been one of the most difficult, faith-testing things that I’ve done in the last 3 months. It felt like a lot of “no’s” or “not right now’s”, but I can confidently say that I know what God has for me this spring is going to be so incredible and it will grow me so much.

Gratitude. With the “no’s” that God has given me, He has also blessed me with so much. There are a lot of things that I won’t be able to be a part of when I’m gone that I was really looking forward to, but with missing those things, God has also shown me how much I get to be a part of while I’m still here. He has provided me with so many opportunities to further my business, He has put people in my life who will love and speak life into me, He has given me schooling that won’t put me into debt (thank God because this missionary life won’t do well with school debt), He has given me a job that is the best that I could ask for, and so much more. Sure, when looking at the “no’s” it really sucked. It wasn’t what I wanted, I had different ideas. But then looking at the whole picture I’m able to see the incredible life I have the privilege of living because of God. Satan wanted me to look at this season as things that God has taken from me, but God wanted me to look at it as I have everything I need and more.

This has been a difficult and trying season, but it is also a time that God is using to shape me into who He needs me to be for the next. I’m so excited for what the next season holds, and I can’t wait to share about all that God does. Thank you for your time!